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Cheap Flights to South Africa

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  • Buy a Return ticket
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  • Saturday night stay
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Weather in South Africa
South Africans climate ranges from Mediterranean to sub- tropical. In Cape Town and the surrounding areas the summer days are usually sunny and dry. In this area most of the rain falls in the winter. Further along the east coast rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year. Frost and snow are rare. Over the hill country of natal most of the rain falls in summer, with high temperatures. On the high inland areas, winter days tend to be sunny and warm, while nights are cold and crisp.
CLOTHING: in holiday resorts and game parks casual wear is acceptable. During the hot South African summers light weight clothing with a light pullover for the cooler evenings. During the remainder of the year, warmer clothes will be necessary after dark, even though daytime temperatures are quite pleasant. If you intend on spending time by the Indian Ocean coast, a bathing suit may be useful right through the year. In most hotels men are requested to wear long trousers to dinner and beachwear is not acceptable in restaurants.